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Subway Bus
Hamilton 02 A 1920X680

Bus stops and shelters

SPT manage more than 3,300 bus shelters and around 11,300 bus stops. SPT is not presently responsible for any bus shelters in Argyll & Bute or Renfrewshire.

Reporting Damage

Whilst regular inspections are carried out, vandalism is a continuous problem and it is difficult for us to find out about every damaged bus stop or shelter.

If you see a bus stop, information case or bus shelter that has been vandalised or damaged in some other way, please let us know, as below.

Please provide as much detail as possible including the bus stop reference number which should be displayed on the bus stop flag.

If the reported damage is not within our area of responsibility, we will pass the report on to the appropriate body.

Emergency shelter damage – to report damage to a bus shelter that is hazardous please call the Bus Shelter Defects Hotline 0800 373635. (Not for bus shelters in Argyll & Bute and Renfrewshire – for these areas please contact the individual Councils).

Emergency (hazardous/offensive)

For issues posing potential injury risk, requiring immediate attendance.

Examples; smashed glass panels, broken polycarbonate panels, structural damage, bus stop pole leaning or unstable, offensive graffiti (racist, sexual, obscene), other..

Please call 0800 373635 (available 24 hours, 365 days a year).

Routine (non-hazardous/non-offensive)

For issues not posing injury risk, not requiring immediate attendance.

Examples; missing timetables, real time digital display faults, non-offensive graffiti, other..

Bus shelter and Bus Stop

(including requests for new bus shelters, relocations, removals, new bus stops, bus stop closures and temporary stops) please email