In line with legislation, SPT is required to report progress on how we are meeting the UK Equality Act General Equality Duty and the Scottish Government’s Specific Equality Duties.
This includes reporting on how we are mainstreaming equality in our everyday activities and setting towards achieving Equality Outcomes that will help us better perform the general duty. In 2021 SPT set five Equality Outcomes. The progress, since 2021, towards achieving these along with our other reporting requirements can be found in the Advancing Equality Progress Update 2021 - 2023 (PDF, 1MB).
The report demonstrates progress made between April 2021 and March 2023 regarding the advancement of equality, elimination of discrimination and promotion of good relations with particular reference to the reporting requirements set out in the Specific Duties, namely:
- mainstreaming the “Equality Duties”;
- meeting SPT’s equality outcomes;
- gathering and using employee information, including how this has enabled SPT to better perform the “Equality Duties”; and
- publishing gender pay gap information.
Further employee information can be found in the Equality and Diversity Monitoring Report 2023 (PDF, 1.3MB).
This report provides information on the protected characteristics of our staff and it covers current status with regard to overall staff profile and main job categories, recruitment and selection, new starters and leavers, promotions and learning and development.
Gender pay gap information can be found in the Advancing Equality Pay Gap Update 2023 (PDF, 777 kb).
This report provides detailed analysis of SPT’s gender pay gap to supplement SPT’s Advancing Equality Report 2023.
Our first four equality outcomes have been identified in response to key barriers experienced in accessing the transport network, specifically the accessibility, affordability and availability of transport and safety and security while using the public transport network and relate to addressing these barriers through the services we provide.
- Disabled people have improved access to SPT facilities and services.
- People have improved knowledge of and access to our best value fares.
- Our passengers’ differing needs are better reflected in how we plan and deliver SPT transport services.
- Younger people, older people, women, disabled people, LGBT+ people, and people from minority ethnic backgrounds feel safe when using SPT services.
Our final equality outcome is in relation to the diversity of our organisation.
- SPT’s workforce demographic reflects the SPT area, helping us to better understand the needs of our communities.
Download and read our latest equality reports.