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Active Travel Strategy Strathclyde Partnership For Transport

Regional Active Travel Strategy

SPT is in the process of developing a regional Active Travel Strategy (ATS) and Network & Infrastructure Delivery Plan (DP). Active travel refers to journeys undertaken by people-powered modes, including walking, wheeling (people using wheelchairs or any alternative to foot-based pedestrian mobility), and cycling (including e-bikes).

Active travel will play a key role in delivering the recently published Regional Transport Strategy (A Call to Action, 2023-2038), particularly with respect to enhancing social inclusion, lowering transport emissions, and promoting health and wellbeing.

The recommendations within the Active Travel Strategy will be driven by an evidence-led approach and will be shaped by the views and priorities of communities across the west of Scotland.

Active Travel Strategy Queens Park Cycling

Active Travel Strategy

The Active Travel Strategy consultation is now live!

SPT have developed a draft Regional Active Travel Strategy and accompanying Network & Infrastructure Delivery Plan over recent months, in the time since our last engagement period in late 2023. We are now looking for your feedback.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Notice is hereby given that SPT, following consultation with the Consultation Authorities, has made a determination under Section 8(1) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, that its Regional Active Travel Strategy and Network and Infrastructure Delivery Plan is unlikely to have significant environmental effects. Therefore, the plan will not be subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Active Travel Strategy Lenzie Walking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Active Travel Strategy will help to deliver A Call to Action, the regional transport strategy (RTS) for 2023-2038. The principles behind the development of the Active Travel
Strategy are underpinned by the Scottish Government's National Transport Strategy 2 (NTS2) vision, which is that we will have “a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system, helping deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for communities, businesses and visitors."

Funding for the project was provided by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) through generated revenue streams and was awarded by the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme. Places for Everyone is an
active travel infrastructure programme funded by the Scottish Government through Transport Scotland and is administered by Sustrans.

Wheeling refers to an alternative means of travel to foot/pedestrian-based mobility, such as travel by wheelchair or mobility scooter. While many wheelchair and mobility scooter
users identify with the term wheeling, others prefer walking.

If you have a query or comment about the project, please email us at:

The project is being developed by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) in partnership with Transport Scotland and Sustrans Scotland.

Further information

If you have questions about this project or would like to sign-up for updates on future engagement opportunities, please email

Funding for the project was awarded by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme.

Transport Scotland 345X200px

Transport Scotland

Sustrans Places For Everyone 345X200px

Places for everyone / Sustrans

Active Travel Strategy Partick Nextbike

Regional Transport Strategy

Find out more about the Regional Transport Strategy